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Living with Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)

It's important to remember that while living with MMN may feel overwhelming, you are not alone and MMN doesn't define you.

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Working with your MMN healthcare team

To make the most of life with , it’s important to have a support system. This includes building a team of healthcare professionals that’s right for you and your needs.

A healthcare team for patients with MMN may include the following specialists:

  • Neurologist
  • Psychologist or mental healthcare professional
  • Physical therapist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Dietitian

Communicate with your team on a regular basis

Your MMN management plan might change over time, depending on your symptoms and current needs. It’s a good idea to have ongoing conversations with your healthcare team about what’s working for you, as well as what’s not working.

Keep your doctor up to date on your symptoms and how you feel while taking your medication. Your doctor will work with you to make any needed adjustments, and it's important not to stop your treatment on your own.

If a dietitian is part of your healthcare team, work with them to make a healthy diet that works for you

Although there’s no official diet recommended for MMN, a healthy lifestyle is good for overall well-being. Consider talking with your healthcare specialists about possible adjustments to your diet that may be beneficial.

Thumbnail video of Jen, a MMN patient shopping.
MMN has taught me to not take life for granted. I truly appreciate what I can do.
Living with MMN

Running errands

Cooking or doing housework

Driving you to and from appointments

Providing emotional support

Being an exercise partner

Emotional well-being with MMN

Living with a chronic medical condition may feel stressful some days. Ongoing stress can have a negative effect on health. That’s why taking care of your emotional well-being should be an essential part of living with MMN.

Find peers who
understand what you’re
going through

Consider joining a support system of peers who know what it’s like to have MMN or a similar medical condition.

  • You may find it helpful to read others’ MMN stories in an online community or forum.
  • You also may benefit from talking about your experiences in a support group.
    Some options: The GBS CIDP Foundation and the Neuropathy Action Foundation have information on how to find a support group for people with neuropathy.

Prioritize your mental

If you have MMN, you and your loved ones may benefit from activities for emotional well-being.

  • Mindfulness exercises or speaking with a therapist are a few options to consider. Your doctor may have a referral for therapists who specialize in working with people who have chronic conditions.
  • Mindfulness-based techniques can help with processing emotions and reducing overall stress levels for patients and caregivers. It also may be beneficial for physical symptoms if you're experiencing .

Speak up and advocate
for yourself

Have open and honest conversations with your healthcare team about your concerns if something isn't working. Together you can figure out what changes can be made to your management plan.


THAT MMN is manageable

Did you know there are treatment options for people living with MMN? Consider talking to your doctor about developing a management plan specifically for you and your needs.