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Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) Tools & Resources

If you or someone you love has MMN, knowing how to advocate is key. It's important to build a support network and learn all you can about MMN.

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MMN tools to download

Takeda is committed to supporting you at every stage of your MMN journey. Here are some downloadable tools to help you advocate for yourself or your loved one with .

Doctor Visit Checklist

Fill out our discussion tool to help prepare ahead of time what topics to bring up during your next doctor's appointment.

Download checklist

Symptom Tracker

Use this to keep track of your MMN symptoms. Make sure to bring a copy to doctor appointments to help assess your management plan.

Download symptom tracker
A woman holding an apple depicts how difficult it can be to hold on to things with MMN.

Loss of grip strength from MMN makes it hard to hold onto things in the affected hand.

Hover over image for a fast fact about MMN

Tap image for a fast fact about MMN

MMN Resources

There are many helpful websites you can turn to for more information to learn about MMN.



MMN doesn't define who you are as a person. There are ways to take charge of your future, including things you can do on a daily basis.