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Meet others living with CIDP

It's important to remember that while living with CIDP may feel overwhelming, you are not alone, and CIDP doesn't define you.

Meet Maddy

Unlike many people living with CIDP, Maddy's condition started at an early age. She first began experiencing symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the sixth grade. It took several years and multiple doctors before she was finally diagnosed with CIDP. Today, Maddy lives in Louisiana and works in human resources at a local rehabilitation hospital. She gets treatment of her CIDP, including subcutaneous (SCIg) maintenance therapy.

I am deserving of life's grandest moments, and hope to provide insight and support to anyone diagnosed as young as I.

Living with CIDP


Learn about the lives of other people living with CIDP—including their joys, their frustrations, and their tips for daily life.


Meet Mark

One day, Mark traveled from California to Spain. He noticed a tingling in his lower back but thought it was due to the long flight. Over the next few days, the tingling spread to his hands, legs, and feet, and by the end of his 10-day trip, he could barely walk. When he got home, Mark was misdiagnosed with and then was diagnosed with 2 years later. A part-time casino party dealer and retired engineer, Mark gets treatment of his CIDP, including SCIg maintenance therapy.

A proper diagnosis is the first step on the road to recovery. When I was diagnosed, I knew nothing about CIDP. As my neurologist was explaining the condition to me, it felt like I had finally gotten the answer and could start to move forward.


Interested in inspiring others with your CIDP story? Share your experiences—and help others living with CIDP know that they are not alone.


Meet Christina

Christina's CIDP symptoms began with tingling, sensitivity, and numbness, then quickly progressed to fatigue, brain fog, and an inability to tie her shoes because of physical weakness and hand tremors. Less than 1 year later, Christina was misdiagnosed with GBS, and eventually, rediagnosed with CIDP. Today, Christina teaches in Nevada and gets treatment of her CIDP with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy.

I have learned to be more demanding about the help I need from my family and insistent on when I need to rest.


The tools to take charge

A checklist for your next medical appointment. A way to track your symptoms. We've got these resources for you and more.

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