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CIDP Tools & Resources
Find information, tools, and support for managing daily life with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).
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Downloadable tools
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Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
(how to say it: krah-nuhk in-flah-muh-tur-ee dee-MY-uh-luh-nay-ting pah-lee-nur-AH-puh-thee)
A rare disorder of the peripheral nerves characterized by gradually increasing sensory loss and weakness associated with loss of reflexes.
See more glossary terms
journey. Here are some downloadable tools to help you advocate for yourself or your loved one with CIDP.
Symptom Tracker
Use this symptom tracker to take note of your symptoms and how you feel over time. Take this tracker to your next medical appointment to help aid in your discussion with your doctor.
Doctor Visit Checklist
To help you make the most of your doctor visits, we've created a checklist of topics to discuss.
Learn about the lives of other people living with CIDP—including their joys, their frustrations, and their tips for daily life.
CIDP can be hard to diagnose and difficult to manage. It's important to advocate for yourself—and to keep looking until you find the neurologist who is right for you.
CIDP affects males nearly 3 times as often as it affects females
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CIDP advocacy groups
There are many helpful websites for those living with CIDP and their caregivers, which you can turn to for more information and support.
Patient Organizations:
The GBS/CIDP Foundation International is a global nonprofit dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and related conditions through steadfast commitment to support, education, research, and advocacy. The Foundation provides a wealth of resources for patients and their loved ones at every stage of their CIDP journey. These include virtual and in-person educational events, peer-to-peer support, a comprehensive library of virtual educational materials, access to cutting-edge research, and a dedicated staff to help navigate the unpredictable path of CIDP.
Caregiver Action Network is an organization that works to improve the quality of life for the millions of Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.
NORD is a nonprofit organization that provides support for individuals with rare diseases by advocating for and funding research, education, and networking among service providers.
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is a public charity foundation that aims to improve the lives of people living with neuropathy through education, awareness, and research. This website includes information on finding a support group (in-person and online group options included).
An organization dedicated to research, advocacy, and innovation to make life better for family caregivers.
Scientific Organizations:
The American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine is a nonprofit association dedicated to improving the quality of medical care provided to people with muscle and nerve disorders.
A nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening the global effort to cure neuromuscular disease. See the work and programs for people with neuromuscular diseases.

THAT CIDP is manageable
Did you know there are management options for people living with CIDP? Consider talking to your doctor about developing a management plan specifically for you and your needs.
Get the latest information on CIDP.